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Stories From The Wasteland

Jun 26, 2020

I’m going to tell you a story,
It’s going to involve a boy,
And the ways our memories are preserved to us,
Oh and maybe a hint of water,
Welcome to the Aurora Wasteland.

A podcast featuring weird and strange stories.
Created, Writing, and Preformed by Vaughn Ashby.



Tethered Sample:

Jun 19, 2020

I’m going to tell you a story,
It’s going to involve a frozen town,
And the lengths people will go to get the people they’ve had taken from them,
Oh and maybe a hint murder and a little ice,
Welcome to the Aurora Wasteland.

A podcast featuring weird and strange stories.
Created, Writing, and Preformed by Vaughn...

Jun 12, 2020

I’m going to tell you a story,
It’s going to involve a field full of corn and some gross sounding noise,
Like serious, you should go see your doctor sounds.
Oh and maybe a drop of spacial realignment
Welcome to the Aurora Wasteland.

A podcast featuring weird and strange stories.
Created, Writing, and Preformed by...

Jun 5, 2020

I’m going to tell you a story,
It’s going to involve a woman trying to outrun a childhood nightmare,
That has clawed its way into her into adult life and parenthood.
Oh and maybe a pinch of sand, it really does get everywhere.
Welcome to the Aurora Wasteland.

A podcast featuring weird and strange stories.